Through your "Developers" panel, you can access several integration documentation and guides for seamless integration that will suit your platforms. Not only this but also several features that assist you in the integration process such as API Logs, IPNs, Test Cards, and so on. The Payment Notifications is a part of your PayTabs dashboard developer panel.

In this article, we will walk you through the "Payment Notifications" section and how to get the best out of using it.

After a transaction process comes to an end, you can easily depend on the mentioned methods in this section to update your system with the transaction/payment status to proceed with your order business flow process, such as shipping the order once the payment is authenticated, unlocking the products locked quantities after the payment is failed and so.

A Video Tutorial

Graphical user interface, text, application, chat or text message Description automatically generatedThree types of payment notifications could be set in your PayTabs dashboard

1. Service Types

In the "Service Type" link you can learn more about the types of the Payment Notification service, the IPN structure, and how to use it. 

2. Merchant Notifications

In the "Configuration" link, you can set the IPN to be triggered as soon as a transaction is created or altered, IPN will instantly send a notification to the merchant’s specified IPN Listener.

For more details, you can check the article How to configure Instant payment notification (IPN)?
Also, you can check the article: How to configure the Merchant IPN in my PayTabs accounts via Sendgrid?

3. Customer Notification

As the IPN is meant to target Merchant Systems or/and Email, there is another way to target customer email with a payment notification once the transaction is created.

In the "Email Configuration" link you can add the Sendgrid configurations to send the customer an email with the payment details.

For more details, you can check the article: How to configure the email configuration in my PayTabs account via SendGrid?