You can indeed control what payment methods could appear to your customer in your checkout or the PayTabs' PayPage via several ways according to your integration method. 

In this article you will get to know how to control that via:

Merchant's Dashboard

You have the option to activate or deactivate any payment method you prefer by reaching out to "[email protected]" and requesting to enable or disable a specific payment method. This way, you can manage the payment options offered to your customers on PayTabs's PayPage.
But keep in mind that it's not the best approach if you plan on frequently changing those payment methods, since the process requires some time to be completed.

Furthermore, kindly note that you can handle your payment methods for your PayLinks, just navigate to your merchant dashboard and then from the menu select "PayLinks" and when creating or updating a PayLink you will find the following option:

Note that to control the methods, enter a comma-seperate list of the methods to enable or disable for this PayLink. By using a method name on it's own or with a ( + ) prefix means to enable that method. Using the method name with a ( - ) prefix means to disable that method. For example, to enable all methods except for installments use the filter (all,-installments)

eCommerce Plugins

In some of our provided plugins, there's an enable option in the configuration page that allows you to enable a specific payment method or not, according to the configured payment methods indeed in your PayTabs account. So, make sure you are changing the correct one based on your PayTabs account.


Example from the WooCommerce plugin.

Finally, note that you can find a list of all the supported payment methods for the plugin you are using in Step 1.5 of the integration manual. Just from our solution portal navigate to the "eCommerce Systems Plugins" solution articles and choose the plugin you are using then move to Step 1.5 - Supported Payment Methods.

PT2 API Endpoints

You definitely can choose which payment methods should appear to the customers while creating your PayPage (whether hosted payment page or even managed/own form one), you are able to do this by passing an array of the only payment methods that you want to display, or just display them all.

'payment_methods': [

 or simply 

'payment_methods': [

You can also easily remove this parameter completely and the PayTabs' PayPage will just be generated with all the enabled payments methods in your PayTabs account.

And here's the list of all available payments. Supported with Paytabs.

  • "creditcard"
  • "amex"
  • "mada"
  • "urpay"
  • "sadad"
  • "unionpay"
  • "stcpay",
  • "valu"
  • "aman"
  • "meezaqr"
  • "omannet"
  • "knet"
  • "knetdebit"
  • "knetcredit
  • "applepay"
  • "samsungpay"
  • "Paypal"

Additionally, note that you can always find a list of all the supported payment methods for the PT2 API endpoints in our Step 1.4 PT2 API Endpoints | Supported Payment Methods solution article.

To use (enable/disable) any payment method from the above-mentioned list, it should be enabled on your account first.

To enable any of them, just contact the "customer [email protected]" mentioning the specific methods you want to add/enable.

Mobile SDKs

In our provided mobile SDKs, there's an option for you that allows you to create the PayPage with specific payment methods according to the configured payment methods indeed in your PayTabs account.

Furthermore, note that you can find a list of all the supported payment methods for the SDK you are using in Step 1.3 of the integration manual. Just from our solution portal navigate to the "Mobile SDKs" solution articles and choose the SDK you are using then move to Step 1.5 - Supported Payment Methods.