PayTabs SDK makes the integration with the PayTabs payment gateway very easy by providing a ready-made payment screen that handles the card entry, and billing & shipping information and completes the missing details 

In this article you will be going to know about:

How to install the SDK?

You can install this SDK into your native Android project as clarified below:

For the version number, please use the latest version according to our latest update on our repository

A native android code means that it's developed using Android framework classes like Activity, Fragment, and View where only the Android SDK applications need an emulator or device to run. To integrate PayTabs SDK into your native Android project, specify it in your dependencies file:

implementation 'com.paytabs:payment-sdk:X.X.X'

Then after that, you will receive a notification message asking you if you want to synchronize the dependencies file as you just modified it. Kindly approve the "Sync Now" option as shown below:

Additional Steps

In some cases such as using Kotlin Coroutine or enabling the Proguard in your Android project, you will need to perform additional steps to avoid any dependency issues as clarified below:

  • Kotlin Coroutine

    A coroutine is a concurrency design pattern that you can use on Android to simplify code that executes asynchronously. Coroutines were added to Kotlin in version 1.3 and are based on established concepts from other languages. To avoid the "Duplicated class" dependency conflict issue with the coroutine API, kindly add the following lines to your application's Gradle file. 
    configurations.all {
    resolutionStrategy {
    exclude group: "org.jetbrains.kotlinx", module: "kotlinx-coroutines-debug"

  • Proguard

    ProGuard is an open-source command-line tool that shrinks, optimizes, and obfuscates Java code. It is able to optimize bytecode as well as to detect and remove unused instructions. You will need to exclude the library classes in the Proguard rules file as shown below:

    -keep public class com.payment.paymentsdk.**{*}

How to activate the SDK?

Nothing you have to do from your side in this step as our SDKs don't need activation, once you installed it properly, it will be considered activated automatically and ready for use.

⌂ To get familiar with the whole process and the other steps, kindly navigate to our "The Native Android SDK Integration Manual" solution article. 

And to get familiar with the rest of the steps regarding the current step "Step 1 - Setup and activate the integration method" click here.

Or you can navigate to the next step in the process "Step 2 - Configure the integration method" kindly click here.