PayTabs plugins make the integration with the PayTabs payment gateway very easy by providing a ready-made and easy-to-install plugin that enables you to be ready and go with a few steps to get you up and running with your business.

This article is dedicated to walking you through how to void a transaction related to one of your WooCommerce orders. You should know that Only if you had configured the Payment Action on your WooCommerce congratulations (2.7 WooCommerce Plugin | Transaction Type) to be "Authorize".

We highly recommend reading the below solution articles first to be aware of some of the terms/processes that may be mentioned in this article:

There are two ways to void an authorized transaction:

Via the WooCommerce Admin dashboard

You will be able to void the transaction related to one of your WooCommerce orders via your WooCommerce admin dashboard by following the below steps:

  • Navigate to the "Sales" menu from your WooCommerce admin dashboard, then select "Orders" from the sub-menu as shown below:

  • Then click on the name of the chosen order you want to void its amount, as shown below.

  • After this, you will be redirected to the order details page.

  • From this you will manage the "Status" dropdown option.

  • Finally, select the option called "Cancelled," which will automatically void the amount back via WooCommerce. 

Via the Paytabs Dashboard 

You can perform the void directly from your PayTabs dashboard, and your WooCommerce website/store will be affected/updated with this change that occurred on your PayTabs dashboard ONLY if you activated the 2.5 WooCommerce Plugin | Allow IPN Notifications configuration option.

If this configuration options is not enabled, capturing the transaction would proceed normally, however, your WooCommerce website/store will not be notified/updated of this change/capture.

You can fully void (void the full transaction's amount) or partially void (void a partial amount from the whole transaction's amount)the transaction. However, for the IPN notification sent to your WooCommerce website/store (which allows your WooCommerce order to be affected/updated with this void), ONLY the full void is allowed, as you will not be able to specify which product on the WooCommerce order you will void from the PayTabs dashboard.

You will be able to void the transaction related to one of your Magento orders via your Paytabs dashboard by following the below steps:

  • Navigate to your "Transactions" menu from your dashboard as shown below:

    To know more about handling transactions on your Paytabs dashboard generally, kindly check our Get to know the Transactions menu item, and how to manage it solution article.

  • Then, click on the chosen "Auth" transaction that you want to void, as shown below:

  • After that, click on the green "Release" button at the bottom of the transaction view page as shown below:

  • This will redirect you to the void form; then, you will have to provide the entire transaction amount in the "Amount" field, then click on the "Submit" button.

Only then the WooCommerce order will be affected by this action and will be linked to the new "Void" transaction that has been made on your PayTabs dashboard.

⌂ To get familiar with the whole process and the other steps, kindly navigate to our "The WooCommerce Plugin Integration Manual" solution article. 

⇦ And to navigate to the previous step in the integration process "Step 6 - Handle the post-payment responses" kindly click here.