Paytabs provides you with a collection of API endpoints which used to process all payments, regardless of if they are through either your own payment pages, the managed payment pages, or if you are using the hosted payment pages. 

This article is dedicated to the clarification of the Cart Currency (cart_currency) parameter. "cart_currency" is one of the mandatory parameters that the request should have, which Indicates the transaction currency, which will the customer be charged with. 


The Parameter Tag/Namecart_currency
JSON Example
"cart_currency": "USD"
Data TypeString
Validation Rules
  • Valid and Supported currency code
  • Accepts both upper- and lower-case characters
Max Length3 Characters

Usage Workflow

Along with the required parameters mentioned in our Step 3 - PT2 API Endpoints | Initiating the payment solution article, you will need to set the "cart_currency" as shown below:

You can notice that the passed "cart_currency" parameter is already included within the response object.

Sample Request Payload

    "profile_id": "987654",
    "tran_type": "sale",
    "tran_class": "ecom",
    "cart_id": "CART#1001",

    "cart_currency": "USD",

    "cart_amount": 500,
    "cart_description": "Description of the items/services",

Sample Response Payload

    "tran_ref": "TST2231101374414",
    "tran_type": "Sale",
    "cart_id": "CART#1001",
    "cart_description": "Description of the items/services",

    "cart_currency": "USD",

    "cart_amount": "500.00",
    "redirect_url": "",
    "serviceId": 2,
    "profileId": 987654,
    "merchantId": 123456,
    "trace": "PMNT0404.6368BC3D.000BAF4C"