Paytabs provides you with a collection of API endpoints which used to process all payments, regardless of if they are through either your own payment pages, the managed payment pages, or if you are using the hosted payment pages. 

Payment Page with active donation mode enables you to create a PayPage that is based on not providing a fixed amount as a purchase. It will be a range between x (minimum) and y (maximum), which will give the client the ability to choose the amount to be paid (donate) from his side within this predefined x-y range (minimum-maximum amount range). You may have the same functionality available via How to manage PayLinks on PayTabs Dashboard? solution article. Also, this can be done via the normal "Hosted Payment Page".

This article is dedicated to the clarification of the donation mode (donation_mode) parameter. "donation_mode" is one of the mandatory parameters that the request should have. 

In this article, you will be going to know:


  • Donation Mode

    The Parameter Tag/Namedonation_mode
    JSON Example
    { "donation_mode":true }
    Data TypeBoolean
    Validation Rules
    • true or false

  • Cart Min

    The Parameter Tag/Namecart_min
    JSON Example
    { "cart_min":5 }
    Data TypeDecimal  
    ❌ (Required only if donation_mode property is present)
    Validation Rules
    • Accept only digits and a decimal point.
    • Not accept zero or empty value
    Max Length


    Min Length0.01

  • Cart Max

    The Parameter Tag/Namecart_max
    JSON Example
    { "cart_max":500 }
    Data TypeDecimal 
    ❌ (Required only if donation_mode property is present)
    Validation Rules
    • Valid URL
    • Recommended to pass it as an HTTPS URL, otherwise, will reflect on the response behavior
    Max Length9999999999.99 
    Min Length0.01

Usage Workflow

Along with the required parameters mentioned in our Step 3 - PT2 API Endpoints | Initiating the payment solution article, you will need to set the "donation_mode" as shown below:

Sample Request Payload

    "profile_id": "987654",
    "tran_type": "sale",
    "tran_class": "ecom",
    "cart_id": "CART#1001",
    "cart_currency": "USD",
    "cart_amount": 500,
    "cart_description": "Description of the items/services",


Sample Response Payload

    "tran_ref": "TST2231101374414",
    "tran_type": "Sale",
    "cart_id": "CART#1001",
    "cart_description": "Description of the items/services",
    "cart_currency": "USD",
    "cart_amount": "500.00",
    "tran_currency": "",
    "tran_total": "0",
    "return": "none",
    "redirect_url": "**ED7",
    "serviceId": 2,
    "profileId": 987654,
    "merchantId": 123456,
    "trace": "PMNT0404.6368BC3D.000BAF4C"

The Expected Parameter Behaviors

The Payment Page will display input or the customer to enter her/his donation amount, if the amount is not in the defend min and max, the transaction will not proceed.

The expected behaviors according to the passed value are:

  • Passing donation properties along with cart_amount property

In this case, PayTabs will ignore the cart amount value and only accept input value between the donation min and max range.