In this article, you will get to learn:

What are "Bulk invoices"?

Bulk invoicing is an ideal feature that enables you to send many invoices to multiple customers at once using an Excel sheet filled with the required information to save time by issuing each invoice separately. 

To know more about invoices, please check out: What is PayTabs "Invoice"? solution article.

How to create bulk invoices

 By following the below steps, you will be able to issue bulk invoices in a short time:

  1. Navigate to the "Invoice" menu from your sidebar menu in your PayTabs dashboard
  2. Select the ‘Bulk Invoice’ option in the Invoice panel 

  3. Download one of the templates that should be used in creating bulk invoices.
  4. Fill in the template with one of the 
  5. Upload the invoices using the downloaded bulk invoice template

  6. once the file is uploaded successfully, the system will start processing the request

  7. Once the processing is complete, the invoices will be generated and will be automatically sent to the customer's email

Bulk invoices template 

PayTabs provides you with two types of templates for bulk invoices that are available for download in the dashboard:  

-Standard Bulk invoice template: Click here to download the sample

The standard template fields are: (Currency, Language, Customer Name, Customer Email, Customer Country Code, Customer Phone, Reference Number, Description, Quantity, Unit Price, and Discount)

-Extended Bulk invoice template: Click here to download the sample

The extended template has extra fields which are (Extra Charge, Extra Discount, Activation Date, and Expiration Date)

Extended Bulk Taxes invoice template: Click here to download sample 

The extended Taxes template has extra fields which are (Product Tax, Customer TaxRef )

Extended Bulk Taxes invoice template ext: Click here to download sample 

The extended Taxes template has extra fields which are (Customer Reference, Customer Country, Customer City, Customer Address, Invoice Description)

You may add two items or more in the same field and separate them by a vertical bar/slash like Item1|Item2, Price1|Price2