Via the "Orders" Tab on your Paymes Social Commerce account, you can find your existing transaction history & take action on any transaction, download receipts or extract transaction reports.

In this article you will learn how to :

Video Tutorial

In this video, you will learn more about Paymes Transactions such as locating your existing transactions, downloading receipts, and additionally gain insights into Paymes Payouts issuance.

Find existing transactions
-Go to the "Orders" tab on your Paymes dashboard.

  • You will find a list of your recent orders by the Name & Phone number of the customer or product name,date , Status ..etc.

  • You can Filter by :
    • Date/period
    • Successful /cancelled  or Failed Transactions
    • Search by name, product name ....etc.

Take action on an existing order 

From "Orders" Tab, you can take action on your existing orders, such as download receipt,Refund a successful transaction or edit the order's shipping details.

-Learn more about downloading an order receipt from here: How to get an order "Receipt"
-Learn how to refund a successful transaction here: Refunds

Download Transactions report:

You can Download a Transactions report by clicking on Download as Excel