PayTabs provides you with multiple methods for using Apple Pay, for easy-to-use integration, and even more easy implementation for developers.

This article is dedicated to walk you through how you can integrate with Apple Pay direct request through your test profile. We will be guiding you through all the certificates needed and the workflow along with the technical details.


Kindly note that you can find multiple ways to integrate with Apple Pay through PayTabs clarified in detail in our "How to integrate the ApplePay Payment method?"solution article

In this article you will get to learn:

Apple Pay Payment Workflow

The Apple Pay "Pay" button would trigger the Apple Pay wallet to be opened in a popup screen (only via any Apple devices). This will lead the customer to choose one of his saved cards to proceed with the payment using the token sent from the merchant side to the PayTabs side. You can learn more about the workflow from here.

Required Apple Pay Certificates 

Apple Pay certificates are certificates that would be generated from the "Apple Developer portal", to be used for Apple Pay transactions. These certificates are used to decrypt the Apple Pay token which is included in the payment request sent to PayTabs. In order to integrate with Apple Pay direct request in your PayTabs test profile, you will need to have two certificates, clarified below:

  • Apple Pay Payment Processing certificate:

    You can find the full detailed steps to configure this certificate clarified in our" How to configure Apple Pay Certificate in my PayTabs dashboard?" solution article, but you Must note that Apple Pay Payment processing certificate is used by PayTabs servers ONLY, there is nothing in the integration code related to it.

  • Apple Pay Merchant Identity certificate:

    This certificate can be configured on Apple Pay portal, to learn more you can check Apple Pay documentation regarding this certificate here. You should be aware that in your request code, you will use .key & .cer files that are related to the Merchant identity certificate.

Note that you need to Add and verify your domain by following the instructions in the Apple Pay portal and this domain must be used from the same verified domain in the Apple Pay merchant identity certificate.

How to start integrating?

Reaching this level, once you have fulfilled the above, you can follow the instructions in our" Apple Pay Direct Payment Request" solution article to initiate your payment with Apple Pay in the test profile. Additionally, PayTabs provides you with a sample code that you can use through the Test Profile (For web JS, find this sample code here,

Testing Credentials

Once you are done with your integration, you can start testing your payment by checking the Apple Pay testing credentials clarified here. However, PayTabs will authorize only the true below card credentials, and the other will fail for testing purposes:

NumberSchemeExpiration DateCVVAuthorized
4761 2099 8001 1439Visa12/2025090True
4761 3497 5001 0326Visa12/2025


5204 2452 5046 0049Mastercard12/2024111False
5204 2452 5471 8095MasterCard12/2024 111True
3717 377724 91005American Express02/20241111False
3717 377570 42005American Express02/20241111True
6011 0009 9458 9319
6011 0009 9446 2780

Note that you must have a verified domain and Apple sandbox account to be able to test Apple Pay.