In this section, we will guide you on how to find real-time insights through history analytics charts and details of your account and transactions.

To know more about how to change the Home screen display, you may need to check out our Dashboard Homepage - Login Settings solution article under the "Home page display" option.

In this article, you will get to know about:

Difference between Test and Live profiles:

In your live profile, you will find all insight analytics and charts, but for the Test profile, you will find only the slider box details.

For more details about the difference between Test and Live profile please check our solution article What is Test Profile vs Live Profile? 

The test profile
The Live profile

You can switch between your profiles by clicking on the profile name at the top center of the screen a list of profiles will show up so you can select the desired one.

Please be aware that the "Live" profile will be indicated by a green dot.

Insight databox:

These data boxes will be displayed in both the Live and test profiles giving you a snapshot of the current status 
Sale Today: The total amount of Today's sales.
Transactions Today: The total number of Today's transactions so far.
Sales Month: The total amount of the current Month's sales.
Transactions Today: The total number of the current Month's transactions till now

Change the home page display from dashboard

From your PayTabs Merchant dashboard website, click on the person icon at the top right corner, a dropdown list will show up, select "Login Settings", and then from the field "Home page display" you can choose between the below options:

  • Default
  • Analytics



Here is how you can access your merchant dashboard to change the Home page display in both the merchant dashboard and the App.

Step 1: 

Step 2:


A screenshot of a mobile phone

Description automatically generated

Will show the recent transactions list, each item contains the amount, date, transaction type, and status as shown above.

If you select any transaction, you will be directed to its full details screen


Note the Analytics view gives you two choices: you can navigate between the last 8 hours or the last 7 days.
Plus, you have the option to switch up the chart view as well.

Analytics view shows the following boxes:
  • Sales:
    you can display it in a Line Graph or a column chart, by selecting the related icon.
  • Payments Status:
    a pie chart that presents the percentage of payment status (Authorized, declined, cancelled, etc)

  • Payment Methods:
    Showing the percentage of the payment methods used