Paytabs provides you with a collection of API endpoints which used to process all payments, regardless of if they are through either your own payment pages, the managed payment pages, or if you are using the hosted payment pages. 

This article is dedicated to the clarification of the Show Save Card (show_save_card) parameter. "show_save_card" is one of the optional parameters that the request may have, which will provide the payment page with a save this card option for the customer to choose so that has card details is saved. 


The Parameter Tag/Nameshow_save_card
JSON Example
"show_save_card": 1

Data TypeBOOLEAN  
Validation Rules

1 or 0

The Expected Parameter Behaviors

The Payment page will display a checkbox button with the label "Save card" so the customer is able to choose that his or her card is saved as shown below: