This article walks you through adding Apple Pay to your IOS app Capability, This is a required step to use Apple Pay in your App.

In this article you will be going to know:

What is App Capability?

A capability grants your app access to an app service that Apple provides, such as CloudKit, Game Center, or In-App Purchase. To use some app services, you must provision your app, adding a capability with Xcode’s project editor that configures the app service correctly for you. Xcode edits the Entitlements and Information Property List files, adds related frameworks, and configures your signing assets.

Why do you need to do it?

Apple Pay lets the user store payment information on their device and then use it to quickly purchase goods and services in your app. Your app creates a payment request that Apple Pay transfers between your app, the Apple Pay servers, and your payment provider. Apple Pay leverages the device’s Secure Element to help protect the user’s payment information.
To use Apple Pay in your app, add the capability to configure your app’s target with the necessary entitlements, and create a merchant identifier and payment processing certificate to help secure transaction data. For more detailed information about these steps, see the video Configuring Your Developer Account for Apple Pay.

For more details about the capabilities you may check the following resources:
- Adding capabilities to your app
- Configuring Apple Pay support

How to configure it?

1- Add Apple Pay capability to your project

  • Click on ➕ to add a new capability

  • Choose Apple pay.

  • Add the new Merchant ID.

This is a required step to enable you of using ApplePay in your iOS App, The Next required step is Configure Apple Pay Certificate in my PayTabs dashboard?