"Accounts" tab helps you to view and manage all your accounting details such as settlements, pending & available balances, Reserved amount, fee deductions, and payout settings noting that its only available for the Live accounts.
In this article you will get to know the following:
Accounts tab is only available for "Aggregation" accounts, as "PSP" account settlements are done directly via your bank.
Overview of the "Accounts" Tab
-Once you click on the "Accounts" Tab, you can have a quick view of your last payout, settlement currency, your bank account connected to the payouts, your payout schedule, and your credit card saved on file (if you have any).
-Click on the blue account ID to view the full details of your account entries, bank details connected to your payouts, and payout settings as shown below.
- Click on the bank image to see and edit the details of your bank accounts.
- Click on the "+" button to add new bank account details:
Once you open the Account ID page you will be able to view the following:
- Account Currency
- Reserves
- Pending
- The last successful Payout amount
- The connected bank account details
- Payout Schedule
- "Request Payout" button (Available only if your Payout's schedule is Manual).
- Change Payout Schedule: Learn more about how to change the payout schedule via this article.
- Accounts reports: Where you can download an Excel file for your Payouts and Transactions reports.
- Bank accounts: You will be directed to your full bank account details so you can either view or edit them.
Reserves refers to the reserved amount on your account (if applicable, according to your signed agreement).
Once you click on the amount (highlighted in blue) to view the details of your reserved amount and the due date for each
Learn more about Reserves via this article: What is a rolling reserve?
If you have recent transactions that are still within the hold period, you can view them by clicking on the pending amount, it will direct you to the details of these transactions.
- Date of the transactions on the left and
- Due dates on the right of the screen

Account entries
In the "Account Entries" section, you can check the history of your payouts, the amount transferred from pending to available balance, and your current closing balance - positive or negative.
Transfer from Pending:
When a transaction or a group of transactions have passed the hold days, they will be transferred to the available withdrawable balance. You can view the transaction amount, fees, taxes, and the net amount transferred to your balance.
Payouts history
-Aggregated merchants can access the 'Merchant Statement' linked to a payout by clicking on the payout link.
The 'Merchant Statement' includes all transactions, applicable fees, and taxes linked to a specific payout.
You can also download the payouts report from the Accounts tab,learn how from this article:
How to Export Payout Report
View the Closing balance "withdrawable funds":
- Log in to your merchant dashboard
- Click on "Accounts" Panel
- Under the "Account Entries", you will see the closing balance that can be withdrawn
Learn more about initiating payouts via this article: How to Initiate Payout?