Repeat billing is a feature that allows merchants to send repeated payable invoices to their customers at predefined intervals (weekly, monthly, or annually) for subscriptions products, or services. 

Repeat billing tab now has 2 types:

Repeat Invoicing: Send invoice every period of time for customer to manually pay it.

Repeat Billing :(Considered as Recurring Payments): Send first invoice to the customer to manually pay it, and then subsequent requests are automatically charged from the customer's card.

In this article you will get to know more about:

-Create Repeat Billing

-Repeat Billing Types:

-Agreement types:

-How to create a bulk repeat billing invoice?

-Video Tutorial

Create Repeat Billing via the Dashboard

To create Repeat Billing in the dashboard menu, click on the (+) sign to create a new agreement



You will get to choose the billing Type whether it is "Repeat Invoicing" or "Repeat Billing"

You can also Create repeat billing via APIs, get to know more via this article:
3.4 Hosted Payment Page APIs | Initiate Agreement Payments (Repeat Billing)


Repeat Invoicing:

This means that the customer will receive an invoice to be paid manually (no auto deduction), depending on the timeframe you select.

Note: The card will not be saved for this type and the customer has to pay each installment manually.

Repeat Billing:

The Customer will only receive the 1st invoice to be paid manually and will get a check box to confirm his approval of making this payment and accepting the card storage to collect the next installments.

This option will be suitable for subscription plans.

Important Notes:

1-The "Recurring" option must be enabled on your profile to create Repeat billings, otherwise, the client will receive invoices to be paid manually and his card will not be tokenized.
NOTE:  Enabling Recurring/Tokenization requires approval from the concerned team.  

2-Repeat Billing option works only with the local currency of your account.

3-Secured HTTPs "Terms and Conditions" link is required for creating Agreements.
Learn more about adding T&C via this article.

If the initial invoice remains unpaid by the customer, the system will continue to dispatch subsequent invoices until the initial payment is successfully received and the card is tokenized. In the event of a payment failure with this card across any installment, a follow-up invoice will be dispatched to the customer.

Agreement types:

You will find the two types of repeat billings: Fixed Term (includes final payment) and Open-Ended (Does not include final payment) as clarified below:

Either for Fixed or Open Term agreement, the agreement can be set for minimum of every 2 days (it cannot be set to: every 1 day) 

A) Fixed Term Agreement Billing Type

If you need a fixed-term agreement with a final payment, choose the number of payments ("Followed by "section), then the final payment box will be activated to add the related amount.

Here's the list of clarifications for each field in this form:

1. Set Agreement Name

2. Currency is the Profile Currency

3. Recurring invoice schedule

3.1. Initial invoice: If set, an initial invoice will be issued immediately

3.2. Followed by recurring invoice schedule

3.2.1. Number of invoices to be raised

3.2.2. The amount for each invoice

3.2.3. Frequency –Every x Day/Week/Month

3.2.4. Date of the 1stinvoice

3.2.5.For fixed term: If required, indicate the final payment amount

B) Open-ended Agreement Billing Type


 If you must create an open-ended agreement with no final payment, choose "Regular" in the "Followed by “section.

This type DOESN'T include the final payment.


Here's the list of clarifications for each field in this form:

1. Set Agreement Name

2. Currency is the Profile Currency

3. Recurring invoice schedule

3.1.Initial invoice: If set, an initial invoice will be issued immediately

3.2.Followed by recurring invoice schedule

3.2.1. Choose ‘Regular’ for open-ended agreement

3.2.2. The amount for each invoice

3.2.3. Frequency –Every x Day/Week/Month

3.2.4. Date of the 1stinvoice

After filling in the agreement details, a summary will appear below, similar to the one in the invoice shared with the customer.

After you fill in the agreement, the schedule, and the customer details, you can then click “Save”


View Agreement details & History 

Now, the agreement will be shown under the list of agreements with the options to cancel, Pause/Un-pause the agreement, view the recurring invoices through them or view the agreement history.

Agreement history will show the invoice reference, transaction ID, description, payment type, amount, and the date of creation.

The client will receive the initial payment invoice which includes the details along with the recurring invoices


Once the invoice is paid, the status will be changed from “pending” to “paid” and only then you can use the transaction button as a shortcut to move to the transaction details.

How do you create a bulk repeat billing invoice?

To create a bulk Repeat Billing in the dashboard menu, click on the arrow to create a new agreement

You can either use a ready template agreement, or you can use your own template agreement.

Once the agreement is done and the bulk invoice is sent, it will look like this on the merchant dashboard:

Video Tutorial

Check out this video tutorial for a detailed walkthrough of the "Repeat Billing" and "Repeat invoicing".