PayTabs SDK makes the integration with the PayTabs payment gateway very easy by providing a ready-made payment screen that handles the card entry, and billing & shipping information and completes the missing details.

This article is dedicated to walking you through how to manage the theme in this SDK to be more fit and customized to suit your business needs.

By using the following guide to customize the colors, fonts, and logo, you will be configuring the SDK's theme that will be passed to the payment configuration.

UI guide

Managing Theme in this SDK categorizing into the below:

Overriding Resources

This indicates how to override multiple resources provided by PayTabs for more customizations to your mobile application which are listed below:

  • Strings

    This indicates how to override strings, colors, or dimens by adding the resource you want to override from below with the value you want within the SDK along. As shown below the list of all attributes that you can adjust to suit your business design as listed below:
      // to override colors
         <color name="payment_sdk_primary_color">#5C13DF</color>
         <color name="payment_sdk_secondary_color">#FFC107</color>
         <color name="payment_sdk_primary_font_color">#111112</color>
         <color name="payment_sdk_secondary_font_color">#6D6C70</color>
         <color name="payment_sdk_separators_color">#FFC107</color>
         <color name="payment_sdk_stroke_color">#673AB7</color>
         <color name="payment_sdk_button_text_color">#FFF</color>
         <color name="payment_sdk_title_text_color">#FFF</color>
         <color name="payment_sdk_button_background_color">#3F51B5</color>
         <color name="payment_sdk_background_color">#F9FAFD</color>
         <color name="payment_sdk_card_background_color">#F9FAFD</color>
         <color name="payment_sdk_status_bar_color">#FFC107</color>
        // to override dimens
         <dimen name="payment_sdk_primary_font_size">17sp</dimen>
         <dimen name="payment_sdk_secondary_font_size">15sp</dimen>
         <dimen name="payment_sdk_separator_thickness">1dp</dimen>
         <dimen name="payment_sdk_stroke_thickness">.5dp</dimen>
         <dimen name="payment_sdk_input_corner_radius">8dp</dimen>
         <dimen name="payment_sdk_button_corner_radius">8dp</dimen>

  • Fonts

    You can overwrite your application fonts by adding your custom fonts files named as shown below in your project at this specific folder path (src/main/res/font):



  • Drawables

    You can overwrite your application drawables such as the back button icon by adding your own drawable file  named as shown below in your project at this specific folder path (src/main/res/drawable):


⌂ To get familiar with the whole process and the other steps, kindly navigate to our "The Native Android SDK Integration Manual" solution article. 

 And to navigate to the previous step in the integration process "Step 1 - Setup and activate the integration method" kindly click here.

 And to get familiar with the rest of the steps regarding the current step "Step 2 - Configure the integration method" click here.

⇨ Or you can navigate to the next step in the integration process "Step 3 - Initiating the payment" kindly click here.