KYC refers to the required documents of your business that shall be uploaded to your PayTabs merchant account.
Uploaded KYC and business documents are required to be updated if expired, invalid, or incomplete. 

This article will provide the steps for updating the documents in merchant dashboard

To know more about the required documents, please check Required KYC Documents

To change or update your documents in PayTabs dashboard, please follow the below steps:

  1. Login to the merchant dashboard with the owner's email address
  2. On the home page, click on the details icon on the top right.


  3. Choose "Merchant details" option from the drop-down list.




PayTabs dashboard consists of five KYC categories:

Company Details  

Both company and trading details can be edited by clicking on the edit sign on the top right of the page. 

Trading Details

Updating Bank Details

From the bank details section, you can add a new bank account or edit the current bank details. Please check How to Change/update my bank account for further details. 

Updating Ownership Details

-Ownership details contain the details of shareholders, owner, and Authorized signatory

-In ownership details, you can add new owners or edit existing owners. 

-When you edit or add new ownership details, you will be asked to fill in the ownership entity, type, authorized signatory, name, address, contact details, shareholder percentages, and nationality. 

Add New owner

(owner can be added as a person or as an entity),

  •  click on the (+) sign

  •  choose the owner type

  • Add the owner's details

-If one of the shareholders is a company, then you need to add it as an "Entity". Then add the entity shareholders' details 

Add an entity under the parent company

  1. click on Add, then choose "Entity" from the drop-down menu

  2. Fill in the entry details ( choose the parent entity, add entity name country date of incorporation, and shareholders' percentages)  
  3. Now, that we have completed both shareholders for the main company and we need to add the shareholder's details for the subcompany

  4. Click on Add again and choose the shareholder type

  5. Now, choose the parent entity for the shareholder (which is the sub-entity) and complete all the sub-entity shareholders.

  6. If the sub-entity has an entity as a shareholder, repeat the same steps. 

Shareholders percentages must be 100% for each entity added before proceeding to the next step 

Edit current owner details

  • Click on the edit sign 
  • Edit the owner details and submit 

Please make sure that the total percentage of shareholders is 100%

Updating Documents

In this section, you will upload/update the new documents such as renewed business licenses, IDs, Passports, Visa copies, MOA, and bank statements. 

For UAE merchants, all shareholder's documents (passport, ID, and Visa) must be uploaded 

For KSA merchants, if the shareholder percentage is less than 15%, then shareholder documents are not required 

To upload the new document:

  • Click on the upload. edit sign 

  • Choose the file and fill in the details 

Submit the updates.

Once you update any document , make sure to click on the submit button that will appear here , to make sure that your updates have been delivered to the concerned team for reviewal and approval.

Please make sure to update all KYCs are valid and match the business license details

Once details are updated, our team will review the details and proceed with approval