Most probably this error happened with a follow-up transaction (void, capture, refund) when the rest of the amount is not enough to make the new transaction.

In this article you will be going to know about:

How to investigate the reason that caused this error?

You can investigate the reason for such an error from the "Response Code" in the transaction from your merchant dashboard.

Also, You can see in the response under the "payment_result" object the "response_message"

Reason #1: The rest of the amount is not enough to create a new (capture, refund, or void) transaction

This means that you (The merchant side) are trying to make a (refund, capture, or void) transaction while the main transaction doesn't have enough amount to fulfill the new follow-up transaction.

You will need to check the main transaction under the "Notes" tab, you can notice if any earlier follow-up transactions that already used those amounts.

For example:

  1. A new payment creates a sale transaction with the amount 100 [Authorized]
  2. A follow-up (refund) request creates a refund transaction with the amount 60 [Authorized]
  3. A follow-up (refund) request creates a refund transaction with the amount 50 [Amount greater than available balance]  

The reason for the error on (3) is the balance (rest of the amount) on the first transaction became only 40 after (2), this is why (3) gives the mentioned error.