Through your "Developers" panel, you can access several integration documentation and guides for seamless integration that will suit your platforms. Moreover, there are various features available to help you with the integration process, including API Logs, IPNs, Test Cards, and more.

In this article you will learn about:

Video Tutorial:

How can I access the Developers Panel?

You can access the developer's panel only once you have either the "Developer" or the "Owner" role associated with your user's account. The developer page can be accessed once you log in to your merchant dashboard > Developers menu as shown below.

What is the "Developers" panel section?

The "Developers" panel contains several sections, each one dedicated to empowering you with the kind of assistance you may need in your integration 

Integration Guides

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This section is dedicated to introducing you to how to integrate your payment page options, which are divided into two parts (Taking Card Details & Make Payment).

The "Taking Card Details" can be done through:

  1. Hosted Payment Page
  2. Managed Form
  3. Own Form

And on the other hand, the "Make Payment" (payment process) can be done through (Transaction API).

We recommend the Managed Form method only if you are PCI certified to a minimum of SAQ A-EP. Whilst card details will not be handled by your system, the payment page is displayed on your website. 

In this case, the payment flow for this way would be as follows:

  1. Your website will display its own card entry form, however, key fields will be managed by the PayTabs gateway. You will need to include a script that replaces the sensitive card data with a payment token.
  2. When the form is submitted, the paylib.js script file first will send the card details to the PayTabs server for storage and to create a temporary payment token. Then this token is inserted into the form data before it is submitted to your server. 
  3. After receiving the payment token details from your payment page, you must send a payment request using the transaction API. You will need to include the token details you have within the payment request itself.

However, if you are not PCI certified, we highly recommend you to use our  Hosted Payment Page, and in the case, you do not want to redirect the customer out of your system to the payment page you may use our embedded hosted payment page as well.

As for manipulating card for payments, you can either use our  Own Form integration method to save credit card details or if you are not PCI certified you can use our alternative method which is Token Based Transactions which enable you to:

  • Create a sale transaction with the first transaction occurrence to tokenize the customer card.
  • Store your token along with the returned tran_ref for further usage.
  • For further transactions, just create a normal transaction and pass the tokenization information, and it will be captured directly from the customer. 

To learn more about The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) you may like to check our What is PCI DSS? and What are the Merchant Requirements? and Why Does PayTabs Need PCI Certification For Using Payment Forms? solution articles.

Pre-Built Integrations

If your online system is built using one of the many business-ready CMS/eCommerce platforms, PayTabs provides you with a ready and easy-to-install plugin that enables you to be ready and go in just a few minutes. This section is where all of our supported plugins for each of the below you can download, have full detailed documentation of how to install, activate, and configure.Graphical user interface, text, application, chat or text message Description automatically generated 

PayPage Settings

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Using the PayTabs payment page (Hosted Payment Page) doesn't mean that we force you with our theme/UI. PayTabs always provides you with each convenient way to make your payment pages look like one of your site ones. 

In this section, we will guide you on how to customize the user interface of the PayTabs payment page to match your desired design by checking our How to customize the PayPage (Hosted Payment Page) UI? solution article.

There's also the PayPage Language option that allows you to override the default label texts on the payment page. For example, you can upload your language file to change the payment button to say 'Confirm Order' instead of 'Pay Now'. Only text relating to the tags included in the uploaded file will be changed, any other text will retain its normal value. 

Knowledge Base

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The knowledge base section is dedicated to redirecting you to the solution articles/documentation links in our solution portal for each section of the "Developers Panel" sections, ensuring we support you throughout your integration process.
For more information check our Developers Panel | KNOWLEDGE BASE solution article. 

As shown in this section, there is a link for all the other sections of the Developer Panel in case you want to know more about a specific section and the services provided within. In which we introduce you to the below links again:

API Keys

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Managed to choose a suitable way to integrate with PayTabs? Your last step will be to get your authentication/integration keys for integrating via any selected method successfully. For that, PayTabs provides you with all the integration keys needed for any integration. 

For more information check our How to get my Authentication/Integration/API Keys? solution article.

As for the "Integration Mapping" page, this is which can be used to simplify the migration of your system from your PT1 account to our newest PT2 account to not lose track of any old transactions and data. If you are one of our merchants who is still using our PT1 system, please contact us at ([email protected]) for more information.

Note that the integration mapping section is only available for those who already had a PT1 account (PayTabs V1). However, if you do not see this section that means that PT2 is the only integration available for you.

Payment Notifications

After a transaction process comes to an end, you can easily depend on the mentioned methods in this section to update your system with the transaction/payment status to proceed with your order business flow process, such as shipping the order once the payment is authenticated, unlocking the products locked quantities after the payment is failed and so. 

Instant Payment Notification (IPN) is the payment status notification to the configured URL, and it is a pure server-to-server connection (i.e.: It is not a browser-based request). As soon as a transaction is created or altered, IPN will instantly send a notification to the merchant’s specified IPN Listener URL, which can have any code that will assist in updating ERP or dependent systems. Alternatively, you may wish to save this information in your local database.

Three types of payment notifications could be set in your PayTabs dashboard

1. Service Types

In the "Service Type" link you can learn more about the types of the Payment Notification service, the IPN structure, and how to use it. 

2. Merchant Notifications

In the "Configuration" link, you can set the IPN to be triggered as soon as a transaction is created or altered, IPN will instantly send a notification to the merchant’s specified IPN Listener.

3. Customer Notification

As the IPN is meant to target Merchant Systems or/and Email, there is another way to target customer email with a payment notification once the transaction is created.

In the "Email Configuration" link you can add the SendGrid configurations to send the customer an email with the payment details.

Also, to empower you with all the services you may need, PayTabs provides you with the ability to connect your own SendGrid account with your PayTabs to send the customers a receipt after successful payments. To know more about this please check this solution article: How to integrate my Paytabs account with my SendGrid account?

To know more about this please check this solution article: How to configure Instant payment notification (IPN)? 

For more ways to get notified post/after payments please check our What are the Five (5) ways of receiving transaction response? solution article.

Certificate Management

The certificate management section allows you to control your wallet certification for SDKs usages such as Apple Pay and Samsung Pay. For more information, you can check our How to configure Apple Pay Certificate in my PayTabs dashboard? and How to integrate my application using Samsung Pay?  solution articles.

To know more about our available SDKs, you may have a look at our Mobile SDKs full detailed documentations

Those certifications are required only on SDKs


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The testing section is dedicated to serving you several features that empower you to test your integration first before launching it live to your customers. 

You can perform test transactions via your test profile using our test cards to simulate successful or rejected payments in your system/integration. 

To know more about this please check our What are the test cards available to perform payments? solution article.

Also, as PayTabs always aims to provide a good quality service to its merchants, not only in the integration part but also after integration services. One of these services is allowing you to have your own API log, to check the errors that occur during the integration process for faster handling and debugging. To know more about this please check our What is the API Debug Logs? solution article.

After knowing those issue that you may face during the integration process, PayTabs provides you the "Troubleshooting Your Issues/Errors" solution category which will allow you to trace and solve your issues without seeking for any assistance.