If you want to start your online business using one of the Paytabs' ready and easy-to-install Mobile SDKs that enable you to be ready and go in minutes but you can't choose between the many business-ready mobiles SDKs. Then stay tuned as this article is for you.

In this article, you will be introduced to a comparison between all of the available SDKs we provide through our seven steps integration processes. This will make it easier for you to choose the suitable SDK to run on the ground with your business as seamlessly as possible.

In this article we are going to walk through the following: 

Click on each (✔) to be redirected to know how to learn more about this feature under the selected SDK.

Step 1 - Setup And Activate The Integration Method


System Requirements
How To Install
System Supported Versions
Supported Payment Methods

Native IOS

have specific requirements

- CocoaPods

 - Carthage


iOS 11.0+

Swift 5.0+

Xcode 11.0+

Based on Region, click here to learn more.

✔ have specific requirements 

- PackageManager

Android SDK Min. 21
Java Min. version 8

targetSdk min. 34

compileSdk min. 34

Based on Region, click here to learn more.

have specific requirements

- Expo
Same for both Native iOS and Android SDKs

Based on Region, click here to learn more.

✔ have specific requirements 

- Dart packages
- Manual
Same for both Native iOS and Android SDKs

Based on Region, click here to learn more.

have specific requirements


Same for both Native iOS and Android SDKs

Based on Region, click here to learn more.

- CocoaPods

 - NPM

Same for both Native iOS and Android SDKs

Based on Region, click here to learn more.

have specific requirements

-  Package Manager
-  PackageReference
-  Paket CLI
-  Script & Interactive
-  Cake
Same for both Native iOS and Android SDKs
Based on Region, click here to learn more.


Step 2 - Configure The Integration Method 

Native iOS 


Customize theme

force shipping info    

show billing info

show Shipping Info

Samsung Pay

Apple Pay

Apple Pay networks

Apple Pay merchant name

simplify ApplePay Validation


Screen title

Hide card scanner

Link billing name with the card

Alternative Payment

Expiry time

Cancel payment

Card discount

Digital product

Step 3 - Initiating The Payment 

Native IOS

Payment with Card (Deprecated)
Payment with SDK Saved Card
Tokenized Card Payment (Recurring)
Tokenized Card Payment (Requiring a CVV)
Pay with Apple Pay
Pay with Samsung Pay
Pay with Alternative Payment Methods (APMs)

Please note that Payment with Card method is deprecated and will be removed from all PayTabs Mobile SDKs in November 2024. for more details about the alternavive workaround, plesae check our solution article Deprecated Payment via (SDK Saved Card)'s Workaround


Step 4 - Accepting The Payment

Please note that this step is handled automatically in all of our SDKs. In other words, NO further actions will be needed to be done from your side. By just using the configuration options and parameters that already have been clarified in step 2, and initiated payment in step 3.



Actions Needed From Your Side

Native IOS

❌ No actions are needed. already initiated in step 3

However, we highly recommend you check the Native IOS SDK | Accepting the payment solution article

❌ No actions are needed. already initiated in step 3

However, we highly recommend you check the Native Android SDK | Accepting the payment solution article 

❌ No actions are needed. already initiated in step 3

However, we highly recommend you check the React Native SDK | Accepting the payment solution article 

❌ No actions are needed. already initiated in step 3

However, we highly recommend you check the Flutter SDK | Accepting the payment solution article 

❌ No actions are needed. already initiated in step 3

However, we highly recommend you check the Cordova SDK - Usage solution article 

❌ No actions are needed. already initiated in step 3

However, we highly recommend you check the Ionic Native SDK - Usage solution article 

❌ No actions are needed. already initiated in step 3

However, we highly recommend you check the Xamarin SDK | Accepting the payment solution article 


Step 5 - Handle The Payment Response


Actions Needed From Your Side

Native IOS

Via the PaymentManagerDelegate class. Please click here to learn more.

Via the event callback within the initiating methods. Please click here to learn more.

Via the then() method. Please click here to learn more.

Via the event callback within the initiating methods. Please click here to learn more.

Via the event callback within the initiating methods. Please click here to learn more.

Via the handleResult method. Please click here to learn more.

Via implementing the IPaymentCallback (iOS), or ICallbackPaymentInterface  (Android)Please click here to learn more.

Step 6 - Handle The Post-Payment Response

In our SDKs, we don't support handling and managing any callback or IPNs. The post-payment notification/response that PayTabs send to the enabled IPNs configured on your PayTabs dashboard, will be handled separately on your backend, and the response should be passed to your mobile application via an internal API/web service that should pass only the related/desired data and information that will suit your business flow.

To know more about the IPNs and how to manage them please check our How to configure Instant payment notification (IPN)? solution article.



Actions Needed From Your Side

Native IOS







Step 7 - Manage Transactions 

In our SDKs, we don't support handling and managing any existing transactions such refund, and capture.
however, you can get existing transaction status and full details using query transactions in most of the provided SDks, also till we support such features (refund, void and capture) you will have to either handle them from your PayTabs dashboard such as "Refund", or "Capture". Or you can use our PT2 API Endpoints direct within your code to perform any other desired transaction types.

To know more about all the supported transaction types in PayTabs please check our What is the "tran_type" (transaction type)? solution article.



Capture transaction
Refund Transaction
Void Transaction 
Query Transaction 

Native IOS